

Credit Rating
Intimation u/r 46(3)(b)
Trading Window
Notice of BM - 29.05.2018
Disclosure u/r 32
Intimation u/r 30(6)
Outcome of BM - 23.07.2018
Intimation for Book Closure
Press Release
Notice of AGM
Outcome of AGM - 30.08.2018
Voting Result of AGM - 30.08.2018
Amendment in AOA
Review of Rating
Trading Window
Notice of BM - 12.11.2018
Notice of BM - 20.11.2018
Disclosure u/r 32
Rules/Form - Dividend Waiver
Intimation - Trading Window
Outcome of BM-20.11.2018
Record Date for Dividend
Revised Record Date for Dividend
Interim Dividend Updates
Intimation for Investors Meeting
Intimation for Investors Meeting
Press Release for Record Date
Intimation for Investors Meeting
Change in Company Secretary
Outcome of BM-30.03.2019
Outcome of BM- 29.05.2018
Outcome of 12.11.2018
Outcome of BM- 22.02.2019

Telephone: +91-731-2560267, +91-731-2563425

Fax: +91-731-2560348